The Coven
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Here's what you get when you enroll in Coven!
  • Monthly Support in our "Community Coven" to get educated and in action on your business (Value $197)
  • 2 Video Lessons a Month to Help you Intuit, Strategize, Manifest, and Monetize Your Business Vision (Value $197)
  • 1 "Productivity Party" a Month to Get You into Action and Making Money (Value $97)
  • ​Manifestation Course and Self Sabotage Course to Create Clarity, Remove Limiting Beliefs and Begin Energetically Attracting Abundance (Value $197)
  • ​10% Off Retreats (Value $297)
  • ​​Business Building Guidebook to Cast Your Vision, Get Clear on Your Profit, and Create Objectives Moving You Toward Your Vision (Value $197)
Value = $1,182
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